Top 30 Best Zoro Quotes In One Piece

Zoro Quotes In One Piece

One Piece is an anime that is a crucial part of the otaku’s life now. It has been winning our hearts for decades, and it keeps getting better at it. Oda sensei has introduced some phenomenal characters, and Zoro is one of the best among them. Therefore, today we will discuss the best Zoro quotes in One Piece.

Zoro is not only a top-class warrior but a loyal friend who will die for his friends but not let them get scratched. He is a legend with an enormous fan following throughout the globe. The anime is full of examples that prove he is a gem and a man worthy of love. 

Below, I’ll share some popular Zoro Quotes in One Piece! So shall we begin?

30. Zoro To Luffy 

Zoro Quotes In One Piece

Credit: Wiki Fandom

“I’ll become a Pirate… that I can promise you.”

This quote denotes Zoro’s pledge to Luffy at the beginning of the show. When the anime began, he was a prisoner, and when Luffy helped him, he said this to him. 

To that day until now, One Piece fans are familiar with how beautifully he has kept his promise. Once Zoro says something, he is not a person to back off from his words. This was the day when he accepted Luffy as his captain.

29. Zoro to Luffy

Zoro Quotes In One Piece

Credit: IMDb

“I don’t care what society says, I have never regretted doing anything.”

Let’s get back to where Luffy went to ask Zoro to join his team. When he asks Zoro to become a pirate, Zoro refuses by saying he is not interested in being the bad guy. However, Luffy said that he was already famous as an evil pirate hunter, to which Zoro commented that he never cared about what others thought of him. Soon after their discussion, the fans were sure that Zoro had no choice except to join Luffy. 

READ: One Piece Chapter 1087 Spoilers

28. Zoro To Sanji 

Zoro Quotes In One Piece

Credit: IMDb

“Only I can call my dream stupid.”

The best thing about Zoro is he knows how to respect himself and others. No matter what, this man would never let anyone disrespect him and his ambitions. His dream to become the world’s strongest swordsman is a driving force behind his strength and improvement. 

When Sanji mocked our master swordsman, these were the words Sanji received in response. This saying by him makes it clear that Zoro is a level-headed man who knows what is right and what is wrong.

27. Zoro To The Shop’s Owner 

Zoro Quotes In One Piece

Credit: IMDb

“How about we find out which one is stronger…the sword’s curse of my good luck?”

We all know the importance of swords for a swordsman, don’t we? When Zoro went to the market to buy his blades, he came across two excellent swords: Sandai Kitetsu and Yubashiri. Before the shopkeeper could tell him, Zoro knew these swords were cursed just by holding them. 

It was believed that whoever used the sword would end up dying. Thus, the shop’s owner warned him not to buy them. However, Zoro wasn’t someone who feared death, so he wanted to see who was stronger; the curse or his luck?

26. Zoro To Chopper 

Zoro Quotes In One Piece

Credit: One Piece Anime

“You can do what you can, the best that you can and then expect the same from them.”

Zoro and Chopper were having a fun conversation about the crew members. That’s when Zoro said that everyone must try their best and expect the same from others. This quote by Zoro highlights how optimistic and inspiring a personality he is. 

He believes that all of them must have strong faith in each other and should have no doubts about it. He highlighted the fact that their group is very unique and different. 

25. Zoro To Crewmates

Zoro Quotes In One Piece

Credit: One Piece Anime

“Being caught off guard is gonna cost us our life from now on.”

Zoro said this to Luffy because he was worried about his crew members’ safety. This was the moment soon after Luffy was badly defeated by Caesar. After learning that Luffy lost against Caesar Clown, he was angered and questioned the point of training for two years. 

Well, indeed, Zoro lashed out at Luffy, but his care and worry were prominent in his words. All he wanted was to see him healthy and alive, but captain Luffy always stepped into danger!

24. Zoro To Kaido

Zoro Quotes In One Piece

Credit: One Piece Anime 

“Don’t touch my captain.” 

One Piece fans are familiar with the loyalty of Zoro because he would rather die than back off of his words. Zoro swore his loyalty to Luffy from the very beginning of One Piece, and he has proved this throughout. 

Whenever someone hurts Luffy, he never stays calm, no matter if the other person is his friend or foe. These were the words Zoro said to Kaido to make him understand the importance of Luffy. This quote of Zoro indicates how much he respects his captain!

23. Zoro to Luffy and Crew

Zoro Quotes in One Piece

Credit: One Piece Anime

“Once a man decides to fight a duel, the outcome of the duel decides that argument.”

When Usopp left the group and wanted to return, Zoro was having a discussion with Luffy and his crew. During their conversation, he made everyone realize the importance of respecting their captain, crew, and one’s actions. 

This argument highlights the fact that Zoro is a mature and serious man who is not easy to fool. Besides, it was clear that Zoro is not a man who will forgive anyone easily, especially the ones who have wronged him.

22. Zoro to Luffy and Crew

Zoro Quotes in One Piece

Credit: One Piece Anime

“Now listen you guys, he might be an Idiot but he’s still our captain.”

In very clear words, Zoro said to the crew that Luffy is their captain and no matter how stupid he may be, respecting him is their duty. This discussion opened the crew mate’s eyes and fans of One Piece felt the same. 

This discussion was definitely one of the most iconic ones from One Piece. Zoro made it clear to everyone that disrespecting the captain and leaving the group is not something to be forgiven easily. 

21. Zoro to Luffy and Crew

Zoro Quotes in One Piece

Credit: One Piece Anime

“Is leaving the crew such an easy thing?”

These words were said as a response to Nami when she said that though Usopp’s actions were inappropriate, they should talk to him. For Zoro, leaving the group was an impulsive and childish act. 

So, he made it clear to everybody there that they were not kids playing pirates and that each one was responsible for their actions and consequences. Undoubtedly, Zoro’s words were an eye-opener for everyone on-screen and off-screen.

20. Zoro To Ryuma

Zoro Quotes in One Piece

Credit: IMDb

“I am a three sword style swordsman.”

During his epic battle with the samurai of the Wano Kingdom, he uttered these words to him. This hints that Zoro originally created this style and is the master of it. The green-haired warrior kept his two-sword style as a basis.  

Later, he improvised it and created a unique sword style called the three-sword style. Wielding the three words altogether is not an easy task, but if it’s Zoro, then nothing is difficult!

19. Zoro To Mihawk

Zoro Quotes in One Piece

Credit: One Piece Anime

“I’d rather die than give up.” 

One Piece fans can never forget the battle of Zoro against Mihawk, as it is one of the most iconic battles. Watching Zoro trying his best to stand against the greatest swordsman was a sight giving goosebumps. 

Despite finding it hard to stay still against him, Zoro never gave up. This was the spirit that impressed Mihawk, and he wished to fight him again. Zoro clearly said that he would rather die than accept his defeat!

18. Zoro to Sanji

Zoro Quotes in One Piece

“The only one who has the right to call me an idiot is me alone.”

Just like Zoro can’t tolerate anyone disrespecting his captain, he can’t accept anyone joking about him or his dream. When Sanji calls him an idiot, he makes it clear that the only person in this world worthy of calling him an idiot is HE alone.

Zoro is a straightforward guy who doesn’t think about what others will think about him; thus, he bluntly speaks about what he feels is right. Neither can he hear harsh things about his friends nor about himself. Impressive, isn’t it?

17. Zoro To Kuma

Zoro Quotes in One Piece

Credit: IMDb

“If I start making excuses, will someone come rescue us?… If I Die, that shows the limit of my ability.”

After giving a challenging time to the Straw Hats, Kuma faced Zoro, who decided to protect his people by standing against danger all alone. The battle against Kuma was definitely one of the scariest. 

Watching the injured Zoro against the giant Kuma pulled the viewers toward the edge of their seats. Yet, the master swordsman decided to face him till his last breath. These words clearly highlight that death doesn’t matter to Zoro; all that matters to him is the safety of his peers and the fight till his last breath.

16. Zoro To Shirahoshi

Zoro Quotes in One Piece

Credit: One Piece Anime

“A hero is someone who will share his sake with other people, but I want to drink it all by myself.”

These words indicate that Zoro is least interested in being called a hero, and he is fine with it. Apparently, the pirates are not considered good people, but we all know that heroes are known by their actions.

Zoro will do the righteous thing and doesn’t expect anything in return. Despite performing the duties of a hero, being recognized as the hero is not their mission. Therefore, when Shirahoshi asked him about being recognized as a hero, this was his response!

15. Zoro To Kuma

Zoro Quotes in One Piece

Credit: IMDb

“Luffy! Must be the man who becomes the pirate king.”

Absolutely no one can forget the moment when Zoro was ready to sacrifice his life only to save Luffy. The man who was living his dream of becoming the best swordsman didn’t think twice about being killed. Isn’t it remarkable?

That day he proved that he was out of this world and won millions of hearts. And just like that, the man took all the pain for the captain and friend. This moment was spine-chilling enough to scare the viewers to death, watching him die bit by bit. (Thanks to Oda sensei, who didn’t let Zoro die!)

14. Zoro to Kuma

Zoro Quotes in One Piece

Credit: IMDb

“If it’s a fight he wants, then I won’t back down.”

Zoro never backs down from his words and always gives his best till his last breath. Therefore, when Luffy was knocked out and the lives of his friends were in danger, Zoro vowed to stand against Kuma all alone, knowing that it would be difficult for him to survive against him. 

The anime is full of moments that highlight the remarkability of Zoro, but this moment sets standards. Absolutely no words can do justice to Zoro’s actions during this battle. No reward can make up for the sacrifice he made that day!

13. Zoro to Hachi

Zoro Quotes in One Piece

Credit: IMDb

“I may have only three swords, but the weight of our swords are completely different.”

During his fight against Hachi, Zoro said that no matter how powerful the opponent’s swords are, nothing can be compared to the weight of his swords. This is because Zoro’s blades carry the weight of his dreams, his friend’s ambitions, and the strong will to never give up. 

This is what makes him different from Hachi. That’s very true because Zoro doesn’t fight for himself but for all of his friends and the ones he made a promise to, be it his rivals or friends. 

12. Zoro to Mihawk

Zoro Quotes in One Piece

Credit: IMDb

“It’s my ambition and it’s also because of a promise I made to a dear friend.” 

When Mihawk asked Zoro about his goal, he replied that it was to be the best swordsman. He added that it’s his ambition and his promise to his friend. This was the same moment when Zoro realized how far he was from achieving his goal…as Miahwk single-handedly injured him with only a small blade. 

However, he was impressed with Zoro’s courage and strong will that he spared him only to see how far he could go to fulfill his dream. 

11. Zoro to Marco the Phoenix

Zoro Quotes in One Piece

Credit: One Piece Anime

“If my captain gives the order, I’ll just follow.”

When Marco was taking the warrior to Kaido, he asked him how he could be so chill. In response to this question, Zoro commented that he needs not worry when it comes to following his captain’s orders. 

Zoro never leaves a chance to win the hearts of One Piece fans… and this was just another moment when fans lost their hearts to his loyalty.

10. Zoro To The Members Of Baroque Works

Zoro Quotes in One Piece

Credit: One Piece Anime

“I have found that fancy titles means nothing when it comes to fighting.”

Zoro believes in action rather than talk and no show; thus, the only thing that matters to him is one’s actions. The members of Baroque Works gave a challenging time to the Straw Hat Pirates. However, Zoro makes sure to return the tough time to them. 

After fighting the army of opponents, when only a few were left, they tried boasting about their ranks, to which Zoro said these words in response. Zoro believes no matter how big and fancy the title is, it means nothing when it comes to fighting.

9. Zoro To Octopus Hatchan

Zoro Quotes in One Piece

Credit: IMDb

“To meet someone so extraordinary, I cannot allow myself to be ordinary.”

We all know that Zoro doesn’t give up easily and fights till his last breath. This popular quote of Zoro is from Episode 39 of One Piece, where he was struggling to fight against Octopus Hatchan. 

Zoro was tired to the point where any ordinary man could fall unconscious, but he vowed not to be ordinary. He is a strong-willed man who will do anything but not give up even if it demands his life!

8. Zoro To Hachi 

Zoro Quotes in One Piece

Credit: One Piece Anime

“There’s a certain man I have to face until I see him, death itself can’t touch me.”

Zoro said these words to Hachi during his battle against him. One Piece fans know who Zoro was talking about. The battle against Hachi was not easy; thus, it was challenging for Zoro, and he almost lost it. 

However, his recent fight with Mihawk was an unforgettable experience for Zoro. So, Zoro stood up, defeated Hachi, and told him he couldn’t die before defeating Mihawk. 

7. Zoro to Luffy and Crew

Zoro Quotes in One Piece

Credit: One Piece Anime

“A crew with no respect and a captain that doesn’t demand it are destined to fall apart quickly.”

When Usopp left the group and decided to return, everyone was taking it easy except Zoro. Therefore, our warrior made them realize the worth of a captain and the crew. Despite the fact Usopp wanted to rejoin, Zoro made it clear that without a direct apology, they would not accept him. 

6. Zoro To Monette

Zoro Quotes in One Piece

Credit: One Piece Anime

“Have you ever seen a fierce animal you were sure would never bite?.”

Watching Zoro vs. Monette was definitely one of the fun yet thrilling moments for viewers. The power gap between the two was so huge that Zoro made her realize that he could cut her at any time. 

At first, Monette thought the swordsman didn’t hurt women, but soon she realized she underestimated him. After hearing the statement, Zoro slashed her with his Great Dragon Shock before she could find the courage to move.

The moment was so scary that even the viewers felt the thrilling aura out of their screens!

5. Zoro To King

Zoro Quotes in One Piece

Credit: IMDb

“I shall become the king of hell.”

Luffy’s dream to become the King of Pirates is not his alone but all of his friends wish the same. Thus, as a team, they are required to make things easier for each other to fulfill their respective dreams. 

During his fight against the King, Zoro claims to become the KING of hell, which proves how much he is dedicated to helping his friends. The battle of Zoro against the King is undoubtedly one of the best battles in the anime. 

I bet there is no one who would dare to say that isn’t one of the best Zoro Quotes in one Piece, right?

4. Zoro To Kaido

Zoro Quotes in One Piece

Credit: One Piece Anime

“Hey, Kaido! That’s my captain! If you wanna crush anyone’s skull… you’ll have to start with mine!” 

These words very clearly highlight the respect Zoro holds for Luffy. The man is willing to die for his captain and has risked his life for him countless times in the anime. He can’t withstand watching his captain die before him. 

Therefore, he makes it clear to Kaido that if he is planning to kill Luffy, he will need to face him first. Zoro is not only a great warrior but an amazing and the most loyal friend one can wish to have in one’s life. This quote is not only one of the best Zoro Quotes in One Piece but also the one that made the One Piece fandom respect Zoro from the bottom of their hearts.

3. Zoro To Mihawk 

Zoro Quotes in One Piece

Credit: IMDb

“Scars on the back… are a swordsman’s shame.”

Zoro Vs. Mihawk is one of the most iconic moments in the anime, and fans were left stunned after this battle. The fight ended before it even started, as Mihawk was way too OP to handle. Zoro was brutally injured, yet he stood firmly with an open chest in front of Hawkeye and said these words.  

This was the moment when Zoro’s passion to become the strongest swordsman attained a new level. The fight left Mihawk impressed because Zoro could die, but he didn’t give up. Zoro’s strong will and braveness impressed Mihawk, and he spared his life. For anime fans all over the globe, this quote is one of the best Zoro Quotes in One Piece.

2. Zoro’s Promise To Kuina

Zoro Quotes in One Piece

Credit: IMDb

“I’ll be the world’s strongest swordsman so that my name will reach the heavens.”

This quote of Zoro highlights a promise to his late rival and friend Kuina that indicates his ambition. Zoro’s dream is to become the greatest swordsman, and he lives for his dream. Therefore, Zoro said these words in front of Kuina’s father. These words work as a driving force in Zoro’s life, and his passion for being the best is what keeps him alive.

Don’t you think that this is one of the best Zoro quotes in One Piece?

1. Zoro To Sanji

Zoro Quotes in One Piece

Credit: IMDb

“What happened here? Nothing at all.”

Nothing can compete with this iconic moment from One Piece. The fight between Kuma against Zoro is one of the most epic, and fans enjoyed every bit of it. During Kuma vs. Zoro, Luffy was Knocked out as he was already significantly injured after his battle against Moria.

At last, only Zoro was left to face Kuma, and that’s when Kuma said that he would spare his friends only if he was ready to take all the pain of Luffy. Watching Zoro experience the pain was one hell of a sight. He was risking his life for Luffy, and it even impressed Kuma. After barely surviving, the only thing he could say was NOTHING HAPPENED!!!! Indeed it is one of the best Zoro Quotes in One Piece.

Indeed Luffy is one of the luckiest to have such a gem in his life!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Zoro’s motivation?

Well, One Piece fans are familiar that Zoro lives for his dream (to become the best swordsman in the world), and that’s what motivates him the most. Apart from that, it’s believed that the thrill of combat is also something that motivates him.

What is Zoro’s full name?

Zoro’s full name is Roronoa Zoro


So yeah, we are finally done getting insights into the life of Zoro and the iconic comments he made throughout the anime. All of the mentioned-above quotes are the best Zoro Quotes In One Piece. I am sure you must have an idea what a phenomenal man he is, right? So, keep watching One Piece to bless your eyes!

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