15 Best Emotional Anime Movies- Ranked!

Generally, when we talk about Anime Movies, many of the otaku are jolted with a wave of excitement. It proves that they do affect us to either lighten up our mood, make us excited or make us cry. Emotional Anime Movies are not only restricted to only one type of emotion but many.

There are unlimited movies that invoke multiple emotions. Some of them make us motivated, some make us sad, some make us happy, and some masterpieces overwhelm us with almost all the emotions. This list of emotional anime movies will include the best picks that will make your heart overflow with emotions. Are you ready to give them a shot? Well, let’s get started already!

15 Anime Movies That Will Make You Overwhelmed With Emotions


  • Almost all of them are family-friendly movies!
  • The following movies will invoke the multiple emotions not just sadness
  • This list is completely based on my personal preferences. 

15. From Up On Poppy Hill

emotional anime movies; From Up On poppy Hill
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Woah, this movie! Literally, no words can do justice to what it makes you feel. In the beginning, you simply enjoy the natural vibes and love blossoming up. In the middle, things will start to go awry and unexpected. You will feel thrilled, surprised, and then finally sad at the end. Wanna know how it’s one of the emotional anime movies? Hear me up!

Umi Matsuzaki is the ideal girl whom everyone wishes to have in their life. She is active, kind, sympathetic and always working to make other’s lives peaceful. While working on a mission to stop the abolishment of a building, she crosses paths with Kazama Shun.

The duo instantly connected with each other and enjoyed each other’s company. Shun was apparently an orphan but when the two dug up his past, an unexpected twist came up to the front. Trust me, it will blow your mind! Are you ready to hear it? But won’t it be a spoiler? Dang, dude, my bad I can’t spoil it for you! XD

14. The Boy And The Heron

THE BOY AND THE HERON; emotional anime movies;
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In most cases, we don’t understand the wisdom behind things happening in our lives. However, as they say, everything hides a reason, and that’s very true. I would recommend this movie to anyone who is in search of emotional anime movies. Mahito’s life has not been the same ever since he lost his mother.

Things drastically changed, and somewhere, his smile was lost. Soon after his mother’s death, his father remarried his aunt, and within no time, she was pregnant. Mahito couldn’t digest how his father could move on so quickly. To add insult to injury, a heron started teasing him with his sarcastic remarks. Initially, he ignored it, but he couldn’t do it for long.

The Heron told him that his mother was still alive and that if he wanted to save her, he would have to go to a mysterious tower. Poor boy, out of his love for his mother, he fell prey to his persuasion and went to the tower. This experience taught him about life and what it means to live and to die. 

13. Wolf Children

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If this movie doesn’t hit your heart, then I bet nothing will. Even though there are fantastical elements, the struggles of a mother shown in it are a REALITY! It’s not only one of the best emotional anime movies but also the best lesson-giving anime movies. In most cases, we never realize the efforts made by our loved ones until we are made to realize it.

Take this movie as a teacher! Hana was an ordinary woman who fell in love with a werewolf and started a family not knowing how hard life would be in the future. Not all such movies are meant to be romantic or like Twilight with a happy ending. Some of them give you a reality check, and it’s simply one of those.

Hana’s life comes under the shadows when her partner suddenly dies.  She is jolted by the fear of how society will treat her kids, who are wolf-human hybrids. Wanting to give the best and the safest life to her kids, she makes countless sacrifices. After watching this beautiful anime movie, you won’t be the same person for sure!

12. Mirai

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Mirai is a beautiful movie that almost everyone should watch. I love how Japanese creators are so keen observers that they bring out phenomenal movies. If you watch it on time, it has the potential to save you from thinking negatively about your siblings. It highlights the life of a four-year-old Kun Oota, who feels shadowed by the birth of her sister Mirai.

He feels the focus of his parents is shifted towards her, and he is no longer their apple of the eye. Well, this is a very common feeling that I bet every one of us has felt somewhere in our childhood. To make him understand the reality of life, the Universe makes him go through an unimaginable experience.

He time travels and gets to learn about the present, past, and future of his family. The experience opens up his eyes making him realize the realities of life. It makes him learn what a brother means to his sister and vice versa. NGL, it’s a beautiful movie. 

11. In This Corner Of The World

emotional anime movies; In This Corner of the World
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Suzu Urano was very happy with her simple life. Most of her activities included drawing and helping her grandmother in her Nori business. When she reaches the right age set by society, she is married to a stranger. She had to leave the most beloved place, her town to start living with a man she never met in her entire life.

Anyhow, she tries her best to adjust and be the best woman but she continues feeling homesick. The worst part? The war made things even tougher for her. It became a hurdle in her way where she didn’t know what she should do. This movie highlights many emotions, from laughter to sorrow, from life to death; it has it all! There are so many elements that make it one of the best emotional anime movies.

10. Whisper Of The Heart

emotional anime movies; ; whisper Of the Heart
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The movie highlights the life of an energetic girl named Shizuku Tsukishima. She has a profound love for books, and her hobbies are reading and writing. One day, while she was going through checkout cards, she learned that a boy was reading her books. This revelation creates curiosity in her which is further fueled when she crosses paths with him.

Seji was a smart and hardworking boy with a mission to fulfil. He had his dreams and knew what he wanted to do with his life. After knowing Seji, Shizuku felt that her life lacked a specific direction; she didn’t know what to do with her life. Therefore, she decides to work on herself to find a dream and goal that excites her. However, for this, she must learn to listen to the whispers of her heart. This movie is indeed one of the best emotional anime movies you can watch!

9. The Boy And The Beast

emotional anime movies; ;The Boy and the Beast
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The movie highlights the life of Ren, a 10-year-old and a beast named Kumatestu. Both live very different lives, but there are so many things that make their experiences alike. Kunmatetsu wanted a suitable disciple, while Ren was lonely and wandering on the streets. Ren’s life was disturbed after he lost everyone dear to him.

One day, the two crossed paths with each other, and Kumatetsu found the boy interesting. As expected, he took him along with him and taught him the skills he needed to learn to become his disciple. Their bond develops and strengthens over a period of time, and it’s the most beautiful thing to witness in this movie. There is a lot more that you will learn and enjoy, I bet. Undoubtedly, it’s one of the most beautiful and the most emotional anime movies. 

8. The Cat Returns

emotional anime movies; ;The Cat Returns
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The road to self-discovery is not easy. One needs to pass tests that life makes one go through to finally understand one’s strengths and weaknesses. Haru Yoshioka was living a calm life, but she wanted more from it. She didn’t like monotony and, hence, was in search of something exciting.

One day, something unexpected happened. She saved a cat from an accident, and the cat turned out to be the prince of his kingdom. You heard it right; he was just not an ordinary cat. This kind gesture was enough to sin the cat’s heart, and there you go, he sent a proposal to marry Haru.

Things take an exciting yet thrilling turn, and Haru finds herself stuck. She was trapped in the cat kingdom. Even though she wanted to refuse the cat, things turned out in the worst possible way. In the kingdom, she eventually lost herself. Well, when I say losing, she was literally losing her humanity and was, bit by bit, transforming into a cat.

She found herself helpless, but luckily, in that time of need, she met the Baron who helped her get out of this mess. Trust me, there are so many emotions that you will go through in this movie. A lot of things make it one of the best emotional anime movies.

7. Howl’s Moving Castle

emotional anime movies; howl's moving castle
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Ooof, what a masterpiece this one is! It’s one of the best nature, fantasy, and magic anime movies out there. From its beginning to end, it keeps the viewers glued to the screens. There have been so many years, but nothing could ever match the movie’s vibes. The story highlights the lives of Sophie, an ordinary hat maker, and Howl, a popular and handsome wizard. Their first encounter with each other sparks some special feelings that the two don’t pay much attention to.

Things turn for the worse when a witch learns about the special encounter. Out of jealousy, she casts a curse on the FL, turning her into an old woman. Now, to lift the curse, Sophie knocks on Howl’s door and starts working there as a cleaner. The interesting part? The wizard couldn’t recognize the true face behind the old woman. Trust me or not, it’s one of those emotional anime movies that leave an everlasting impression on the audience. 

6. Spirited Away

emotional anime movies; ; ,SPIRITED AWAY
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Thrill, adventure, fantasy, and whatnot, this movie has it all to entertain you. Spirited Away highlights the life of Chihiro, a girl who finds herself trapped in a haunted park after her parents turn into pigs because of their greed. I bet even if you imagine the scenario, it will give you goosebumps!

Not knowing what to do next, she is helped by a boy who tells her that she is not the only one facing this situation. Many others like her were trapped in the haunted park. To survive the ghosts, they are forced to work for the evil witch Yubaba. To survive, she started working for the witch and, at such a young age, learned so many challenging things. Watching her learn new things is a wonderful experience.

The best part is the girl doesn’t stop her search for a solution to bring her parents back to being human so that they escape the park together.

5. Josee, The Tiger And The Fish

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If you have a dream and all the opportunities that an average person has to fulfil, consider it lucky. Imagine a physically impaired individual who can do a certain thing? If you are unable to imagine then watch this beautiful movie that is also one of the most emotional anime movies. Tsuneo Suzukawa is a passionate individual who has a dream to pursue higher education but lacks the finances for it.

However, he doesn’t give up but looks for jobs that can pay him well. One day, the grandmother of Josee, offered him to be his caretaker. Who was Josee? She was a girl in a Wheelchair. Looking for a good job, Tsuneo couldn’t refuse the offer even though he didn’t like the attitude of Josee. However, soon, his opinion regarding her changes when he gets to know her. This movie is such an eye opener and Studio Bones has done a wonderful job animating it. The animation and aesthetics add more to the movie, making it one of the perfect emotional anime movies. 

4. Suzume

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When I watched this movie, I regretted why I didn’t watch it sooner. I bet you will feel the same. It entertains with twists no one could imagine and makes you experience unlimited emotions. Souta is a handsome boy who works as a Closer, the one who closes the gates to the afterlife. If left open, many monstrous creatures barge out of it and wreak havoc in the world. In search of one of those gates, he comes across Suzume, a girl who could also see those gates.

In a surprising turn of events, Suzume unintentionally misplaces its keystone, leaving the gate open. Calamities soon start to occur, and the two try their best to temporarily close it. However, they needed the Keystone to permanently shut it. Well, guess what? You can find an ordinary stone, but how will you catch a cat? Yes, the keystone transforms into a cat! Catching it was very challenging, but there is more to the story.

Things become even tougher when the cat transforms Souta into a three-legged chair. You read it right! Imagine a three-legged chair chasing a cat! LOL, trust me, you are gonna love the film! It’s indeed one of the best emotional anime movies!

3. A Silent Voice

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This movie will surely make you distinguish between right and wrong. Every student must watch it because apart from being one of the most emotional anime movies, it’s the best movie for students. Shouya Ishida was famous as a bully in elementary school. He loved making fun of others and giving them a hard time.

Out of habit, when a deaf girl, Shouko, joined the school, he did the same to her. However, the girl was unlike the others and soon transferred to another school. When she left, Shouya faced criticism from everyone that made him feel guilty for his actions.

After so many years, he couldn’t forget what he did to Shouko, and hence, one day, he decided to seek forgiveness. He wanted peace, and that could only be possible if Shouko forgave him. So, what? He goes on a mission to earn her forgiveness no matter what!

2. I Want To Eat Your Pancreas

I Want to Eat Your Pancreas
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Warning: this movie will make you bawl your eyes out!

So, if you are brave enough to cry a bucket, then only consider watching it. Shiga Haruki is unaware of his surroundings and is not interested in others’ lives. All he likes is reading books. One day, he accidentally reads his classmate Sakura’s diary, through which he learns about her fatal pancreatic disease.

After reading the diary, he decides to accompany her to make her time worth it. Time makes him understand the pain and suffering she goes through. In the end it only makes it difficult for him to let her go. Now, whether she will live or not, I am leaving this to you to find out! NGL it’s one of those emotional anime movies that are worthy of rewatching!

1. Grave Of The FireFlies

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Wars never bring peace, it’s never a solution, and it shatters many lives. Yet people opt for it, knowingly destroying lives. Grave Of The Fireflies is one of those emotional anime movies that highlights the pain and suffering war brings to the world. The movie highlights the time around WW2.

Siblings Seita and Setsuko are the main centre of the movie. The whole movie revolves around their shattered lives. Imagine the pain of losing loved ones, not having food to survive, the sound of bombs around, no place to go to and no shelter to breathe under. Trust me you will feel overwhelmed with emotions after watching this incredible masterpiece. 

Final Notes

Here, we are done with the list of the best emotional anime movies. Just give them all a try one by one and you will love the experience for sure. For more such anime movie recommendations, keep visiting Anime Fleek.


What are some emotional anime movies that are a must-watch?

Grave of the Fireflies, I Want To Eat Your Pancreas, and A Silent Voice are must-watch emotional anime movies. 

What makes an anime impactful?

It’s the way it connects with the audience by highlighting the emotional elements beautifully. For an anime to be impactful, there are so many things that need to be taken care of such as character development, a clear message, and then how it delivers the message. 

Are Emotional anime movies always sad?

No, we don’t always consider emotional anime movies the same as tear-jerker anime movies. Apart from just making you sad, a movie may make you feel excited, motivated, thrilled, happy, frustrated or angry. 

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