15 Best Anime Movies Like Suzume

Hello again, my dearest reader! I hope you’re doing fine. So, you watched “Suzume” and loved it, right? I see… If you clicked here, I assume you’re looking for other anime movies like “Suzume”. I guess luck is by your side today, since you just found this blog. Next, I’d like to tell you something else: not all anime movies here are romantic!

I chose similar anime to “Suzume” based on the plot and focus theme for each movie. Now that I’m done…Let’s find out what will be your next favorite anime movies like Suzume No Tojimari

15 Anime Movies to Watch If You Liked Suzume


  • All recommendations here are anime MOVIES
  • The scores are all based on my personal taste and opinions
  • The movies are not exactly like “Suzume”. They are SIMILAR to it.

15. The Garden of Words

The Garden of Words
AnimationCharactersPlotTotal Score

Now, let’s go to a rainy Tokyo. Pictured? Great, because it is where Takao, a young shoemaker’s apprentice, meets Yukino, a mysterious woman. They meet in an enchanted garden. Together, they have their private meetings on rainy days… The two share silent and intimate comfortable moments. The scenarios will make you fall in love with the story even more! However, you should be cautious… The cute scenes and the light story can distract you from the real meaning of the movie. Just keep reading. 

Gradually, Takao and Yukino discover that their meetings have become an emotional refuge. As the rainy season progresses, the bond between them deepens. It reveals hidden dreams and sorrows. However, Yukino’s age difference and personal mysteries become challenges in their path. Still, they both find courage and inspiration in each other. Eventually, the rains stop.  With that, they must decide the future of their bond. “The Garden of Words” is a beautiful love story about loss and redemption.

Isn’t it a heartwarming story? It’s, for sure, a similar anime to “Suzume”. Well, I wish I could tell you more, but I really can’t. So watch the movie and tell me what you feel about it. I’d love to know! 

14. Into the Forest of Fireflies’ Light

Into the Forest of Fireflies' Light
AnimationCharactersPlotTotal Score

One summer afternoon, young Hotaru gets lost in an enchanted forest and meets Gin, a gentle spirit. Although he can’t be touched by humans, Gin manages to befriend Hotaru. He promises to see her every summer. Year after year, their friendship grows into something deeper. 

However, the impossibility of physical contact between them adds a touch of melancholy to their relationship. Even so, they share magical moments and unforgettable memories. As time goes by, Hotaru matures and her visits become more meaningful. Inevitably, the moment comes when they have to face the reality of their situation. 

This anime film is a moving story about love and sacrifice. A beautiful masterpiece if you ask me. 

13. Children Who Chase Lost Voices

Anime Movies like Spirited Away-Children Who Chase Lost Voices
AnimationCharactersPlotTotal Score

Get ready for an epic adventure with Asuna! She’s a young girl who hears a mysterious melody that takes her to an underground world. There, she meets Shun and Shin, brothers from a mystical kingdom. Together, they go on a thrilling adventure! The friends want answers and a place where the dead can be resurrected. Kind of creepy, huh? Don’t worry, even with the spooky atmosphere, it’s a beautiful story.

As they explore this fascinating world, they face challenges and discover ancient secrets. However, each revelation brings new questions and dangers. Along the way, Asuna learns about life and the true meaning of moving on. “Children Who Chase Lost Voices” is a story of the power of memories. It’s also about the search for a meaning in life. After all, this movie will give you a relevant topic to bring to the table. Do we know why we’re here? 

12. Whisper of the Heart

Whisper of the Heart- best anime movies like suzume
AnimationCharactersPlotTotal Score

Here, you’ll follow Shizuku, a young woman with a passion for books. She discovers a mysterious name on library cards and decides to follow the trail. Eventually, she meets Seiji, a talented aspiring luthier. You know their stories don’t end there, right? Together they embark on a long journey of self-discovery

As Shizuku struggles to find her own path and talent, Seiji’s inspiring presence motivates her. Yet, the pressure of living up to expectations and the challenges of following their dreams… Are definitely not easy to deal with. Just like in real life, isn’t it? Now I’m curious: have you ever experienced these feelings before? 

Continuing, their mutual support grows, turning their fears into determination. As time goes by, Shizuku discovers more about her true passions. Ultimately, “Whisper of the Heart” is a touching story about friendship, and growing up. It is a must watch anime like “Suzume”! Trust me, you won’t regret it. 

11. The Place Promised In Our Early Days

Best Anime Movies Like Suzume: The Place Promised In Our Early Days
AnimationCharactersPlotTotal Score

In an alternative Japan, there are three inseparable friends. They are Hiroki, Takuya and Sayuri. The trio make a promise to uncover the secrets of a mysterious tower that rises on the horizon. Years later, their lives take different paths… But their promise and friendship still bind them. 

However, when Sayuri mysteriously disappears, Hiroki and Takuya are driven to resume their search. As they investigate, they discover secrets that go beyond their imagination. However, the truths they unearth put their courage to the test. Even with the dangers they face, the hope of finding Sayuri again keeps the flame of promise alive. Eventually, their actions will determine the fate of more than just their lives. 

Certainly, “The Place Promised in Our Early Days” is an exciting story of friendship and love. Did you enjoy Suzume? So you’ll love this anime movie too!

10. 5 Centimeters per Second

5 Centimeters per Second
AnimationCharactersPlotTotal Score

Before I start with the anime summary, I need to give you some advice. Hear me up: if you don’t like real life stories… This anime film is not for you. I mean it, I cried for days after watching it. See what a good friend I am to you? Now, if you stayed (you’re brave), let’s keep going:

This movie explores the beauty and pain of long-distance love. With Takaki and Akari you’ll see how love can be such a powerful feeling. In three poetic acts, the film shows how their lives intertwine and diverge over the years. Initially, they exchange letters, trying to keep the connection alive. However, as time passes, communication becomes more difficult and the emotional distance grows.

Even so, their shared memories continue to influence their lives. Eventually, they face the reality of moving on and finding new paths. Still, the melancholy of unrequited love lingers in their hearts. “5 Centimeters per Second” captures the essence of the lasting emotions of first love. It’s an anusual love story for sure! Like I always say, you can never guess the end of an anime movie. So watch and figure out how their story ends. (And don’t you dare tell me I didn’t warn you.)

9. Summer Wars

summer wars
Source: summer wars movie
AnimationCharactersPlotTotal Score

For the next movie, let’s Immerse in the digital world of OZ with Kenji. He’s a math genius, who is accidentally drawn into a conflict. What conflict can a math-lover guy possibly be drawn into? Hum, maybe one that threatens both the virtual and real worlds. You heard me right. 

When he agrees to accompany his colleague Natsuki to a family reunion… That poor boy can’t imagine the adventures that lie ahead. However, a dangerous virus invades OZ, causing global chaos. With the help of Natsuki’s quirky extended family, Kenji must find a way to stop the virus. If he doesn’t, it will destroy both realities: the real and the virtual one. As they face challenges, they discover the importance of unity and courage. Even with the pressure knocking on the door, Kenji’s intelligence shines through. Lastly, “Summer Wars” is an exciting combination of action anime, comedy and family drama.

8. Wolf Children

Wolf Children
AnimationCharactersPlotTotal Score

In this Japanese animation, we’ll follow Hana’s steps. She’s a brave mother raising her two half-wolf children, Ame and Yuki. She raises them on her own after the death of her werewolf husband. From here, you can already tell where the movie’s going, huh? 

Determined to give her children a normal life, she moves to the countryside, facing daily challenges. Over time, Ame and Yuki begin to explore their lupine and human natures. However, their individual choices lead them down different paths. While Yuki seeks a human life, Ame moves further and further into the wild. Even so, Hana’s unconditional love for her children never wavers. Eventually, they all face decisions that will define their identities and futures. If you want a beautiful and touching story about motherhood, this is the one! Also, if you enjoy themes like acceptance, you can give this a chance. 

7. The Girl Who Leapt Through Time

The girl who leapt through time
AnimationCharactersPlotTotal Score

Now let’s meet Makoto, a teenager who discovers the ability to leap through time. At first, she uses her new power to correct small mistakes and avoid embarrassing situations. However, she soon realizes that messing with time has consequences. We’ve been here before, right? I mean, at this point we all know that traveling through time is dangerous. (Yes, and fun too. I admit I’d love to try it once.)

As the time jumps become more complicated, Makoto learns about responsibility and maturity. While trying to make amends for her mistakes, she discovers deep feelings for her friends Chiaki and Kousuke. 

However, the reality of her temporal powers threatens their relationship. Eventually, Makoto must make difficult decisions about the use of her power. This is an exciting romantic comedy anime! It is full of reflections on the value of the present. It’s not exactly a similar anime to Suzume… Yet, you can find some similarities between the lessons of both stories.

6. The Boy and the Beast

the boy and the beast
AnimationCharactersPlotTotal Score

Now move your mind to a vibrant city of beasts. There, Ren, a lost boy, meets Kumatetsu, a warrior beast. Together, they form an unlikely great and apprentice duo. Initially, their conflicting personalities cause a lot of friction. Oh, but I love a little “enemies to lovers”! How about you? 

Over time, Ren and Kumatetsu develop a deep respect and understanding for each other. Ren learns great lessons about strength and wisdom. After all, facing some challenges will always make you grow up a bit. Even with the difficulties, the journey strengthens their bond. Eventually, Ren must choose between the human world and that of the beasts. For some reason, while I was writing about this choice… I feel like it’s stupidly easy to make it. However, as you watch the movie, you’ll understand why it is not. 

Ultimately, this movie is an exciting story of growth, friendship and overcoming

5. A Silent Voice

A Silent Voice
AnimationCharactersPlotTotal Score

Next, let’s go to one of my favorite anime movies like Suzume! 

Here, you’ll experience the touching story of Shoya. He’s a former school bully who seeks redemption by making up with Shoko. She’s a deaf colleague he bullied in the past. I know what you’re thinking! Just don’t make assumptions before you meet Shoya. He’ll surprise you, mark my words!

Initially, Shoya Ishida struggles to forgive himself and be accepted again. Like expected, I know this too. However, his determination leads him down a long path until he understands himself better. As he and Shoko reconnect, their lives begin to change. For the better? Sure it is. 

Even as they face challenges and misunderstandings, they find support and friendship. With time, Shoya realizes the importance of empathy and compassion. However, the road to redemption is not easy and requires courage. This japanese film is a powerful lesson about forgiveness, acceptance, and friendship.

4. Princess Mononoke

princess mononoke
AnimationCharactersPlotTotal Score

This movie is about Ashitaka, a young warrior. He becomes embroiled in an epic war between humans and forest spirits. After being cursed by a demonic boar, Ashitaka searches for a cure. When he meets San, the fierce Princess Mononoke, he finds himself torn between two worlds. 

While trying to broker peace, Ashitaka discovers the complexity of human and spiritual nature. Despite the intense conflicts, he believes in the possibility of coexistence. Eventually, his actions influence the fate of both sides. “Princess Mononoke” is an environmental story! It combines adventure and deep reflections on the balance between nature and civilization.

It’s an important anime film to watch, for sure. 

3. Weathering With You

Weathering With You
AnimationCharactersPlotTotal Score

In a rainy and magical Tokyo, you’ll meet Hodaka. He’s a young dreamer who runs away to the city and meets Hina. The weird thing about her is that she has the power to control the weather! I’d make every day rainy and sometimes snowy, if I had this power. What about you?

Initially, Hodaka is dazzled by the chaos and beauty of Tokyo. However, when he discovers Hina’s power, he sees an opportunity to bring happiness to the city. Together, they turn rainy days into sunny ones, gaining fame and friendships. Even so, Hina’s ability comes at a high and inevitable cost. Just like we all already know: every power comes with a price

Eventually, they have to make the right choices to protect each other and the future of the town. This japanese film is a romantic and enchanting story about love! Also sacrifice and the magic of nature. A little fantasy anime movie for you! Just to make things a little more exciting here! 

2. Spirited Away

Spirited Away
AnimationCharactersPlotTotal Score

Let’s watch Chihiro’s steps closely now. She’s a brave girl who finds herself trapped in a world of spirits and gods after her parents are turned into pigs. It sounds silly, but just imagine seeing your parents turning into pigs. I’d lose my mind, for sure. 

Initially frightened, Chihiro must find the courage to save her family. While working in a mysterious spirit bath house, she makes friends. Also, she faces unique challenges. When I say “unique”, I mean some things you can’t even imagine! Believe me. 

Over time, her determination and kindness help her overcome obstacles. Even with many dangers surrounding her, she never loses hope. Chihiro manages to find out what true love means, even in the middle of that chaos. I only put this movie in second place, because I didn’t want to look cliche by putting it first. However, I also could never give this Studio Ghibli’s masterpiece less than the full score. Hayao Miyazaki never disappoints us!

“Spirited Away” is a magical fantasy that celebrates courage, friendship and self-discovery. One of the best anime movies ever. (If not the best.)

1. Your Name

your name
AnimationCharactersPlotTotal Score

In this scenario, you’ll discover the incredible story of Taki and Mitsuha. They are two young people who mysteriously switch bodies and lives. Initially, they face confusion to adapt to their new routines. I mean, who wouldn’t? 

However, as they get to know each other through these exchanges, they develop a meaningful connection. As time passes, they try to find a way to meet in real life. Even facing obstacles and distance, their emotional bond grows stronger. Eventually, a startling revelation about an impending tragedy puts them in a race against time. With determination and love, they fight to change the unpleasant fate. The question that won’t go away is: will they ever find each other in real life? 

This is a heartwarming romantic comedy that explores the power of fate. Just as human connections and feelings too. So far, one of the best anime movies like Suzume on Netflix. Definately the perfect romance anime movie.

Oh, I almost forgot something super important! Promise me you won’t sleep during the movie, okay? You won’t understand anything if you close your eyes for more than 2 minutes. 

Final Notes

Oh, I’m so sad you’ve already reached the end! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the text as much as I loved writing it. I know you found the next anime movies like Suzume to watch now. So, please, watch with attention! You’ll love all of them. 

Wait! Before you go, I’ll take this opportunity to invite you to take a look at Anime Fleek’s page. There, your fun adventure is guaranteed! If you like romance anime, I do have a special list for you. However, if you’re more into emotional anime movies… Guess what? I also have a perfect list of recommendations waiting for you. 

So, get ready to fill your watch list with all of our recommendations! See you next time. 


What anime should I watch if I liked Suzume?

Talking about Suzume, two anime movies like it are “Your Name” and “5 Centimeters Per Second.” 

Where can I find movies like Suzume no Tojimari?

You can find some anime movies on Netflix. Still, if you can’t find the one you want there, Crunchyroll may have it. 

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