15 Best Anime Movies Like Grave Of The Fireflies

Hello, my friend! I see you’re searching for some great anime movies like Grave Of The Fireflies, right? If that’s the case, you just found the best list you could ever find! I need to admit that it was a bit hard to make this list since Grave Of The Fireflies is such a unique Japanese film. However, I did my best to add the best ones here, I hope you enjoy it. 

Wait! If you’re new to the otaku community, I’d like to help you warm up. So, check out the best anime movies for beginners first! Now, let’s go to this list. 

15 Best Similar Movies To Grave Of The Fireflies


  • All the scores are based on my personal opinion
  • Not all anime movies here are kids friendly
  • Sensitive themes like death will be mentioned

15. Tomorrow Will Become Better!: Half a Sweet Potato 

Tomorrow Will Become Better!: Half a Sweet Potato 
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The firstLet’s start with “Be Fine Tomorrow”! The first one of the “Anime movies like Grave Of The Fireflies” list. This is a semi-autobiographical work based on experiences during the Second World War. Firstly, It focused on everyday life during the war and the tragedies during it. You’ll follow Kayoko, a young girl whose first part of the film focuses on her life. She lives in her aunt’s house in the countryside, where she was sent as the war intensified. Here, you can see how the families tried to save their loved ones… They sent them to different places so they could have higher chances to live. If you like emotional anime movies, you may enjoy this one.

Later, after the bombings of Tokyo, Kayoko discovers that she has lost her family and her home in the city. From here, you will suffer everything with her and her brother. I swear It’s impossible not to cry and feel their grief… Consequently, the story centers on the challenging life of her and her older brother, the only family survivors

However, even with the movie trying to make you feel happy about them surviving… I swear It’s still impossible to forgive the war’s cruelty.

14. Momotaro, Sacred Sailors

momotaro sacred sailors
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Next, let’s move on to “Momotaro, Sacred Sailors”! The movie will immerse you in the fascinating Japanese legend of Momotaro. He’s a young man who becomes a legendary hero. Interesting, right? You may think that the story will be silly and cute. Keep reading, and I’ll reveal to you why It is not.

The film chronicles the journey of Momotaro and his unusual team. His team is made of talking animals! And they go on a naval mission to confront the demonic forces threatening their homeland. Still cute to you? Wait a little longer…

Throughout the story, you are taken through a series of maritime challenges and thrilling confrontations. Momotaro, with his fearless spirit, is an awesome leader! On the other hand, he faces personal doubts, too. This movie pictures the war perfectly, with a sweet animation. However, the message behind it is deep, making you think about the consequences of the war. I won’t say you’ll cry, but you’ll feel deep in your thoughts. Not one of the best anime movies like Grave Of The Fireflies, but definitely a good one!

13. Rail Of The Star

Rail of the star
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Now I’m gonna talk about a very controversial anime movie… Some people say that it tries to be similar to “Grave Of The Fireflies”. However, I think the stories might sound a bit alike because they are both about children in the middle of a war. So, I don’t actually see this as a copy-and-paste. Tell me what you think about it! 

In “Rail of the Star” you’ll meet Chitose Kobayashi. This film tells her real-life story during the Second World War. Since the movie is based on her real life, It’s impossible to be a copy from another movie, right? Firstly, the plot takes place in Japanese-occupied Korea! There, Chitose, a young Japanese girl, lives with her family. Then, as the war becomes increasingly dangerous, the family decides to return to Japan. Was that a good idea? Let’s see…

Of course, the journey was hard and painful. It’s not news that war’s synonyms are pain and destruction. As the family tries to find a way back home, they face hunger as they struggle to survive. Thus, “Rail of the Star” is definitely a moving Japanese animation about courage and hope. This movie is not as sad as “Grave Of The Fireflies” but you can see the stories follow similar paths. So, if you loved “Grave Of The Fireflies” I’m sure you’ll enjoy this movie too! For me, It’s one of the best anime movies like Grave Of The Fireflies!

12. First Squad

First squad
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Moving on, we have “First Squad”. If you like a little bit more action, this might be the one for you! It plunges you into an alternative history of the Second World War. Where a special team of young Russian psychics is called in to fight supernatural Nazi forces. At the center of the narrative, you’ll meet Nadya. She’s a brave teenager with psychic abilities. She leads the squad on a dangerous mission to save her home city. In this film, you’ll see the sacrifices needed to protect freedom. After watching it, please tell me: Would you be able to make those sacrifices, too? I’d be a terrible leader… Because I could never make such hard decisions like that! 

Throughout the plot, “First Squad” unfolds in a thrilling saga of sacrifice and determination against formidable opponents. Yeah, really formidable opponents, trust me! The characters’ psychic battles and moral dilemmas offer a fascinating look at the weight of war. Also, the power of hope in the face of darkness. This movie is not as emotional as The Grave Of The Fireflies, but It portrays war themes, too.  

11. Who’s Left Behind

who's left behind
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This one can be a lot hard to watch since It’s really too emotional. Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you! 

The next one on this list is “Who’s Left Behind”, also known as “Kayoko’s Diary”. This is an anime film set during the Second World War. It’s focused on the life of Kayoko, a young Japanese girl living through the horrors of the conflict in her hometown. Kayoko tells about her family and the experience of being the older sister. Through her personal diary, you’ll be taken on an emotional journey! As Kayoko recounts her daily experiences… From the challenges of everyday life in wartime to moments of hope and despair. It’s even tragic the way you’ll see her trying to find hope and a reason to never give up. Even during the hardest times. 

The film shows the devastating effects of war on Kayoko’s life and on her community. It captures ethical dilemmas and personal loss, too. Once It’s impossible to survive the cruel war without losing people you love, isn’t it? With a blend of historical drama and emotional sensitivity, “Who’s Left Behind” offers a moving reflection on humanity. Definitely one of the saddest tearjerker anime movies ever. Also, one of the best anime movies like Grave Of The Fireflies. 

10. The Sky Crawlers

the sky crawlers
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This one is more focused on action and sci-fi. So, if you like war themes but pictured with action, you’ll like this. Keep up:

In “The Sky Crawlers” you’ll go to an alternative world where an endless war is fought by immortal pilots. They are known as Kildren. These young men apparently don’t age and live in a constant routine of aerial combat. From here, you can see It portrays the war too… So, yeah, It’ll be a lot more intense and thrilling! The story follows Yuichi Kannami, a new pilot who joins the Kildren. He quickly discovers the mysteries behind his existence and the truth behind the war they fight. You can see he’s a lot intelligent, huh? But will his intelligence be enough to keep him safe? 

“The Sky Crawlers” explores complex identity, morality, and purpose themes. Believe me, this anime film will offer you a unique view of the costs of war. It’ll lead you to an intense reflection on the meaning of life and mortality. As you can see, even though the “emotional” is not the main character here, you’ll still see it in the movie. In the end, it’s impossible not to talk about loss, when “war” is the subject, right? 

9. Barefoot Gen

barefoot gen
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Now, “Barefoot Gen” is an anime movie you’ll need to sit back and pay attention to. It has a powerful narrative set during the final days of the Second World War in Japan. The story revolves around Gen. He’s a young boy who lives through the horrors of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima. Yes, THAT famous bombing. Only with that, you can already imagine how painful the movie will be.

After surviving the devastating blast, Gen and his family struggle to rebuild their lives amid the devastation. The film captures not only the physical challenges of survival… But also the ethical and emotional dilemmas those who witnessed the tragedy faced. Just think about it: what would you do if you survived such a catastrophic event like this? I really don’t know my own answer. Probably, I’d feel lost, not knowing how to start my life again. 

With an emotionally intense approach, “Barefoot Gen” dives deep into the personal experiences of Gen and his family. As Gen searches for meaning and justice in a post-apocalyptic world, the film offers a reflection on the war in general. Here, you’ll find yourself thinking if it was all really needed after all. Does peace need this much suffering and pain to be achieved? It’s really something to think about. If you’re looking for one of the best anime movies like Grave Of The Fireflies, you’ll love this film!

8. When the Wind Blows

when the wind blows
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Oh my… Now I’ll talk about the movie that will make you tear up within minutes. If you’re looking for anime movies like Grave Of The Fireflies, watch this!

Jimmy Murakami directed this one. “When the Wind Blows” is an animation that deals with the devastating impacts of a nuclear attack during the Cold War. The story follows Jim and Hilda Bloggs. They’re an elderly couple who live in the British countryside and face the challenge of surviving after a nuclear attack. All I could imagine was my grandparents while watching it… Maybe that’s the reason why I found it so emotional.

Despite their naivety about the real dangers of nuclear war… The couple builds a shelter and tries to maintain normality during the impending catastrophe. This is a real vision of what can happen in war. The shock might knock out the real desperation and fear, trying to mask it. I think this could happen to me, too. What about you? 

The film explores not only the physical effects of radiation and destruction… But also the deep psychological effects on Jim and Hilda as they struggle to accept the magnitude of what is happening around them. 

7. Porco Rosso

Porco Rosso- Best anime movies like Grave of the fireflies
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This anime movie can be seen as a fun and silly film. However, I can say that the message behind it will make you reflect. 

“Porco Rosso” brings you to interwar Italy, where we follow the story of Porco Rosso. He’s a former World War I pilot! Who, due to a mysterious curse, has been transformed into an anthropomorphic pig. I find it amazing how Japanese animations try to picture the war with a light mood.

Known as a skilled mercenary pilot, Porco Rosso operates as a bounty hunter of pirate planes in the Adriatic Sea. The plot unfolds with humor and adventure scenarios. As Porco Rosso finds himself in confrontations with air pirates and military opponents. All this while he’s navigating the turbulent waters of his own existence and identity.

The film combines elements of comedy and drama to create a captivating narrative about honor and redemption. Through Porco Rosso’s exploits, you’ll be taken on an emotional trip! Following closely the complexities of a reluctant hero’s life. Do you want a moody Japanese animation about war, still with a deep message behind it? I’m sure you’ll love this one! 

6. Giovanni’s Island

Giovanni's island
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If you prefer heartwarming anime movies, come with me! 

Now let’s talk about “Giovanni’s Island”! This is an exciting story set in post-World War II Japan. The plot revolves around the brothers Junpei and Kanta. They live on a small island in the Hokkaido Sea. You’ll fall in love with Japan’s natural beauty at first sight. 

Suddenly, the family’s peaceful life is interrupted by the arrival of Soviet forces… Who occupy the island and drastically alter their lives. Just like war always does: destroy people’s lives. The family struggles to maintain their identity and hope amidst the occupation. If it was me, I’d lose hope too… Just with the information I have about war, I know I could never go through anything like that. Would you still have hopes during a war? 

The Japanese film shows themes of friendship, brotherly love, and cultural resistance. Through the eyes of the young protagonists, you’ll go on a sentimental trip of discovery and maturation. As they confront the harsh reality of war and its lasting consequences. “Giovanni’s Island” offers a profound reflection on the scars left by the conflict. Here’s something for you to think about: Can scars from war ever be healed? 

5. In This Corner of the World

depressing anime movies-In This Corner of the World
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Now, let’s go to my Top 5!

“In This Corner of the World” is in my top drama anime movies, too. It’s about an emotional journey that takes you to Japan during the Second World War. It follows the life of a young woman called Suzu Urano. She was raised in a small town near Hiroshima. Be ready to fall in love with her and feel everything with her… Trust me, you won’t be able to hold back tears. One of the best anime movies like Grave Of The Fireflies for sure!

Suzu is a talented artist who marries and moves to a new family in Kure, a militarized port city. As Suzu adjusts to her new life, she faces the challenges of war: food shortages and constant bombing. However, what breaks my heart the most is to see her trying to keep her passion for art alive. While watching the movie, you’ll see how war can take away everything from a person… From people to passions and hope in life

“In This Corner of the World” will make you think about life. Also, how small and simple we are as humans… Even so, other humans feel big enough to take away other people’s lives like It’s nothing. 

4. The Wind Rises

The Wind Rises
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How can I talk about drama and war without mentioning “The Wind Rises”? 

Hayao Miyazaki directed this cinematic masterpiece, which chronicles the life of Jiro Horikoshi. He’s a brilliant aircraft designer who created Japan’s legendary fighter jets during the Second World War. Just with that, you can already see what’s coming, right? 

Set in between the two world wars, the film follows Jiro from his youth. There, his dreams of flying are interrupted by his short-sightedness. However, it moves on to his rise as an aeronautical engineer at Mitsubishi! With his dreams, a giant guilt comes, making him think about his life choices. He designs planes that will probably kill people, and he thinks about it frequently, of course. 

Jiro also finds inspiration and love alongside Naoko. She’s a young woman with whom he falls deeply in love. “The Wind Rises” is a poetic reflection on the ethics of innovation in times of conflict. I just know you’ll love this one! Especially if you like Studio Ghibli’s animations. This is one of the best anime movies like The Grave Of The Fireflies!

3. Castle in the Sky

Castle in the Sky
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Going on, I have “Castle in the Sky”! This Japanese animation will take you to a world of adventure and mystery. The story revolves around Sheeta! She’s a young girl who possesses a mysterious necklace. The fun part is that It connects her to the legendary floating city. The city is called Laputa. Suddenly, Sheeta is kidnapped by air pirates! However, she’s rescued by Pazu, a young miner determined to discover the secrets of the mythical castle. With this intro, you may be thinking about what this movie has to do with Grave Of The Fireflies. Let me show you:

Well, even if the movie doesn’t picture the war directly, you can see hints of it. The film is set in a fictional world where there are references to past conflicts! Also, military interests in advanced technology. It reflects an era of industrialization and technological advancement. Does it remind you of something familiar? Yes! It’s similar to the inter-war period of the 20th century.

“Castle in the Sky” combines elements of fantasy, adventure, and friendship to create a captivating narrative about courage and hope. This anime movie offers a reflection on the price of unchecked ambition! Just like war movies, you’ll be led to reflect on the costs of power. Like I said before, I find it amazing how Japanese films manage to mask war themes with soft animation.

2. Howl’s Moving Castle

howls moving castle
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In “Howl’s Moving Castle” you’ll see war mixed with love and fantasy. This is definitely one of the best anime movies like Grave Of The Fireflies. Even if It’s not directly about the Second World War. Let me talk more about it:

Sophie is a young girl transformed into an old woman by an evil witch. After that, she embarks on a long journey to undo the spell. During her adventures, she meets Howl. He’s a mysterious wizard whose traveling castle is a refuge and a mystery to everyone around him. His castle will make you laugh at first, mark my words! As Sophie explores the secrets of the castle, she discovers a deep bond that transcends appearances. In this movie, you’ll fall in love with Howl and his kind personality. However, you’ll also see how the war destroys him. 

Again, this movie doesn’t directly talk about war. It simply shows you how war can completely ruin someone’s sweet personality. Turning them into monsters and bitter people. 

Hayao Miyazaki’s animation never disappoints! If you rather light mood films, this is the one! 

1. Tale of the Princess Kaguya

The Tale of the Princess Kaguya
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Lastly, for the first position, I present to you “Tale of the Princess Kaguya”! It tells the exciting story of Kaguya. She’s a mysterious princess who is born from a bamboo shoot. She’s discovered by a peasant couple. Really interesting, isn’t it? As she grows rapidly to adulthood, Kaguya’s exceptional beauty attracts the attention of the nobility. However, Kaguya longs for the freedom and simplicity of her life in the countryside. She’s also a strong female lead, as you can see! 

Even tackling totally different topics, Tale Of Princess Kaguya and Grave Of The Fireflies both bring to the table similar themes. They bring reflections on the human condition, loss, and resilience. On of the best (if not the best) anime movies like Grave Of The Fireflies.

This beautiful movie combines the unique aesthetics of Studio Ghibli‘s animation style with a narrative rich in emotion. “Tale of the Princess Kaguya” offers a touching reflection on the ties that bind us and the choices that shape our destiny. You’ll feel the same melancholy from Grave Of The Fireflies in this film.

Final Notes

Finally, you’ve reached the end! I hope I helped you find the best anime movies like Grave Of The Fireflies. All anime movies here are beautiful, with a deep meaning behind their stories. Let’s be honest: Japanese animations are ALWAYS impressive and emotional! 

Before you go to the questions, let me just quickly invite you to read other texts from Anime Fleek. Believe me, you’ll find anything you want here! You’ll find romance and also action

Well, now I’m done! See you next time, my dear otaku friend. 


Why is Grave of the Fireflies considered a masterpiece? 

Obviously, for its emotional story and fascinating animation. You’ll see the reality of war and its consequences. 

Where can I watch anime movies similar to Grave of the Fireflies?

Some of them you can find on Netflix and Amazon Prime. However, the best anime movies like Grave Of The Fireflies you’ll need to rent.

What makes Grave of the Fireflies so emotional? 

The movie’s way of capturing grief and the consequences of war. This film portrays the life of two siblings going through hard times during the war. You’ll see the human’s lack of empathy. I can assure you that you’ll never overcome this movie once you watch it! Anime movies like Grave Of The Fireflies can also be really touching.

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