15 Best Action Anime Movies on Netflix

Hello, my dear anime fan! If you clicked here, I assume you’re looking for some action now, right? Well well, if that’s the case, I have some good anime recommendations for you. Oh, wait… You don’t know much about anime? No worries, stay with me until the end and let’s find out the best action anime movies on Netflix! After these recommendations, I bet you’ll fall in love with the otaku world (maybe become an otaku too…?). Let’s find out!

15 Best Action Anime Movies You Can Find on Netflix


  • Yes, all the movies here you can watch on Netflix.
  • The scores are all based on my personal taste.
  • Not all movies on this list are kids-friendly
  • If you want a full list of family-friendly anime movies, please go to our other text.

15. Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle

Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle
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Let’s start with a great thrilling story! Especially if you enjoy some action with monsters and fictional creatures. However, I need to advise you that this movie is a sequel and it’s not the first one! The first movie is in here too, so don’t worry, I got you. Follow me: 

“Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle” is from Polygon Pictures and released in 2018. It continues the story of Haruo and his allies as they discover a fortified city with Mechagodzilla technology. They plan to use this technology to finally defeat Godzilla while facing internal conflicts and the constant threat of the monster.

This sequel sparks heated debates about the cost of using such a powerful weapon they found. Haruo finds himself at the center of a moral dilemma. He confronts the prospect of sacrificing ethical principles for the sake of humanity’s survival

Will the world be devastated? Will Haruo choose the right path to follow? Normally, you could figure it out, if this wasn’t an anime movie. Unfortunately (or not) the only way for you to find out the ending of this war, is by… Yes, watching the movie! 

14. Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters

Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters
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Now we’re talking about the first movie from the sequel! I put it next because I like this a bit more than the other one. Don’t judge me for not starting the blog with the first one! Here we go:

“Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters” was released in 2017 by Polygon Pictures as well. The film presents an Earth devastated by monsters, with humanity fleeing to another planet. Centuries later, they return to find Godzilla still dominating the Earth. Haruo, the protagonist, leads the fight to defeat Godzilla and reclaim the planet.

In this post-apocalyptic world, humanity faces a desperate battle for survival against the gigantic creatures. The return to Earth after a prolonged exile in space reveals Godzilla’s persistence as an unbeatable force. Haruo comes out as a reluctant leader, motivated by the need for revenge against Godzilla. Is that all? No. He desperately wants the human’s original home again. If you like fantasy-action anime movies, this might be the one!

Imagine living in space, because colossal creatures simply took our planet from us… I’m kind of weak, so I could never fight them. However, I’d hope that one day, I can return to my home too.  

13. Godzilla: The Planet Eater

Godzilla: The Planet Eater
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Finally, we’re going to the last film from the sequel!

The final chapter of the trilogy, “Godzilla: The Planet Eater” was released in 2018. It pictures Haruo facing the entity Ghidorah, summoned by a religious faction. This final confrontation decides the fate of the Earth and the future of humanity. It portrays themes of faith, sacrifice, and survival. Be ready because this one is the most exciting! 

In this epic finale, the battle against Ghidorah passes boundaries, plunging into ideological and spiritual conflicts. The intervention of the religious faction introduces an element of complexity, of course. It challenges the beliefs of Haruo and his allies as they confront that entity. Why? Well…Ghidorah threatens humanity’s not only physical existence but also its soul. 

As Haruo leads the final resistance against Ghidorah, he is faced with impossible choices that test his conviction. I can’t even imagine the pressure! To know more about the end, you gotta watch the movie!  

12. The Seven Deadly Sins: Cursed by Light

The Seven Deadly Sins: Cursed by Light
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If you’ve been an Otaku for a while, you might know this one! Yet, if you’re a baby anime fan, I’ll keep you updated here: 

“The Seven Deadly Sins: Cursed by Light” was released in 2021 by Studio Deen. To understand it better, you’ll need to watch the anime series first. However, you can enjoy it even if you haven’t watched it. 

This movie takes place after the events of the main series. Meliodas and Elizabeth enjoy a peaceful life until a new threat arises… Forcing the Seven Deadly Sins to come together once again. The story will show new battles and revelations about the characters’ pasts. Let’s be honest… We LOVE the stories of character’s pasts, right? 

The Seven Deadly Sins are forced to confront personal challenges and long-held secrets. As they fight to protect the world, they discover dark truths about their own destinies and the legacy they carry. The narrative dives into the emotional depths of the characters. It brings them face to face with moral dilemmas and courage. Are you ready for this? 

11. Dragon Quest: Your Story

Dragon Quest: Your Story
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Dragon Quest: Your Story” is based on the game “Dragon Quest V”. So, if you like this game, I’m sure you’ll love the movie! Still, if you’ve never even heard of it, you may like the film too.

The story follows Luca’s steps in search of his kidnapped mother. Along the way, he discovers his destiny as a chosen hero and must confront the evil Ladja. The story combines adventure and fantasy with classic RPG gameplay. So, again, if you love fantasy-action anime movies, I recommend this one!

During his journey, Luca encounters a variety of mysterious creatures and allies. They contributed to his growth as a warrior and as a person. Each city he visits reveals new challenges, expanding the rich detailed world of “Dragon Quest”. 

The narrative isn’t just limited to epic battles and the search for his mother. Luca also discovers ancient secrets about his lineage and the true purpose of his journey. These revelations not only affect his role in the world of “Dragon Quest”, but also have ramifications for the fate of the future generations.

After watching the movie, I wanted to play the game, honestly… Watch and see if you feel the same way.

10. Pokémon: Mewtwo Strikes Back – Evolution

Pokémon: Mewtwo Strikes Back - Evolution
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Oh my, how excited I was to talk about Pokémon! My childhood here, okay? Let’s go:

“Pokémon: Mewtwo Strikes Back – Evolution”  is a CGI remake of the classic 1998 film. It recounts the origin of Mewtwo, a genetically modified clone of the mythical Pokémon Mew. Mewtwo seeks revenge on humans, resulting in an epic confrontation with Ash, Pikachu. and their friends.

The movie explores Mewtwo’s moral dilemmas in depth as he confronts his own identity. His interactions with Pokémon and human trainers highlight the complexities of his emotional journey. It forces him to question his convictions about power, friendship, and the meaning of life. At the same time, Ash and his friends represent perseverance and team spirit! They challenge Mewtwo to reconsider his path of destruction. Also, find a deeper understanding of the meaning of strength and mutual respect.

This is not one of the best action anime movies but it’s a great option to watch with kids and family.

9. Ni no Kuni

Ni no Kuni
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Now, if you’re more into adventure anime movies, you may like “Ni no Kuni”!

It tells the story of two childhood friends, Yuu and Haru. They are transported to a parallel magical world while trying to save a friend. The friends discover that their actions in the magical world directly affect the real world. This leads them on an adventure that makes them doubt their loyalty and friendship. 

What would you do if it happened to you? I’d freak out, really. 

As Yuu and Haru delve deeper into the world of Ni no Kuni, they face mystical creatures. They test not only their abilities but also their values and convictions. Each challenge they face reveals additional layers of complexity about the connection between the two worlds. The friends’ journey is an example of how love and courage can unite worlds and strengthen bonds. 

Action anime movies can also teach you a lesson too, huh? 

8. The Seven Deadly Sins: Prisoners of the Sky

The Seven Deadly Sins: Prisoners of the Sky
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Oh, wait a second… I’ve already written about this one up there, haven’t I? 

Surprise! This is another movie about the same series! Plus, this is way better than the previous one. Be ready and keep up with me: 

“The Seven Deadly Sins: Prisoners of the Sky” follows Meliodas and the Seven Deadly Sins on a journey to a heavenly realm. There, they face a powerful threat that seeks to free an ancient demon. The movie combines thrilling battles as the heroes fight to protect both realms. In this movie, not only the animation, but the plot are a lot more interesting! 

As they fight to prevent the resurrection of the ancient demon, they are confronted with ethical dilemmas. They question the sacrifices they are willing to make to protect those they love. After all, heroes always have to make difficult decisions. 

Just a quick reflection: If you were in an anime movie, but in real life… Would you be the hero, the villain, or the extra? 

I’d be the first one to die if I’m being honest.

7. Gantz: O

Gantz: O
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Do you like action with a little pinch of sci-fi? Check this out:

“Gantz: O” follows Masaru Kato who, after his death in a subway attack, wakes up in a mysterious room. He is forced to take part in a deadly game where he and others must fight alien monsters. The movie is full of action and tension, based on the popular manga “Gantz”.

I mean… Imagine dying and waking up in a reality where you need to fight for your life again. Like, no I’ve already suffered enough, now leave me alone. 

Masaru Kato and the other participants face the challenges posed by the alien monsters. They all discover that their lives are intertwined by a destiny that’s way more than only death. The suspense intensifies as revelations about the purpose of the game and its mysterious manipulators are revealed. 

Trust me, you will want to know every mystery in this movie. One of the best action anime movies on Netflix, for real!

6. Blame!

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One more action with sci-fi, please! 

“Blame!” takes place in a dystopian future where humanity is on the brink of extinction. Why? Due to a failure in an automated construction network. The protagonist, Killy, wanders through this gigantic technological structure in search of humans who possess the Net Terminal gene. Which is necessary to control the machines and save humanity

Now let’s be honest… I can see this happening in real life! We already have some robots out there. Well, I hope humans are not the cause of their own extinction! (But I kind of believe they will be)

In addition to the desperate search for survivors, Killy faces countless dangers, from hostile artificial intelligences to human communities. Killy’s solitary journey not only tests his physical endurance, for sure. It’s also about his understanding of what it means to be human in a world dominated by technology.

Interesting, right? Not the best action anime movie, but I really enjoyed it!

5. Flavors of Youth

Flavors of Youth
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“Flavors of Youth” is an anthology film that tells three stories set in China: “The Rice Noodles”, “A Little Fashion Show” and “Love in Shanghai”. Each of these stories reveals themes of nostalgia and the emotional connections that shape our lives.

So, if you love emotional movies mixed with action… You may like this one! 

In “The Rice Noodles”, a young man rediscovers the meaning of a special noodle dish. It represents family ties and childhood memories. Next, “A Little Fashion Show” follows an aspiring model! She searches for her identity in the fashion industry. Also facing personal and professional challenges. Finally, “Love in Shanghai” explores a fleeting and exciting romance between strangers in the bustling metropolis. It reveals how love can blossom in the most unexpected places.

Action anime romance lover? You’ll absolutely love this too!

4. A Whisker Away

A Whisker Away
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“A Whisker Away” tells the story of Miyo Sasaki. She’s a young woman who transforms into a cat to get closer to her crush, Kento. However, when she gets stuck in cat form, she must find a way to become human again. The movie combines romance, fantasy, and a bit of action. Once again, action anime romance lovers will enjoy this one.

By transforming into a cat, Miyo finds herself in a magical and playful world. There, she can be closer to Kento. However, this transformation also leads her to discover hidden aspects of herself. As Miyo tries to find a solution to her dilemma, she learns valuable lessons about self-acceptance. This film teaches that being your real self is the best way to find true love.

Literally one of the best anime on Netflix!

3. Stand By Me Doraemon

Stand By Me Doraemon
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This one is another interesting mix of sci-fi, comedy, and action. It can please many types of people! So come with me: 

“Stand by Me Doraemon” is a 3D animation, which makes it different from the other films here. It tells the story of Doraemon, a robot cat who travels back in time to help Nobita, a boy. Together, they learn valuable lessons about friendship. With a nostalgic and unexpected twist, this movie will make you feel warm. 

Throughout Doraemon and Nobita’s journey, the story portrays not only the exciting adventures they share. But also the deep bond of friendship that grows between them. Doraemon, with his futuristic gadgets, helps Nobita overcome personal obstacles and school challenges. As they travel through time, they discover the importance of learning from past mistakes. Plus, treasuring the precious moments of the present

Believe me, you should give this movie a chance!

2. Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway

Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway
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Do you like revolutionary stories? You must see this:

“Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway” shows Hathaway Noa, son of renowned captain Bright Noa. He joins a rebel movement to fight corruption in the Earth Federation. The story delves into the moral dilemmas of war. A truly exciting story about revolutions and the price of being part of it!

By getting involved with the Mafty rebel movement, Hathaway confronts military enemies. As much as his own convictions and ethical values. He finds himself at the center of a conflict where the lines between right and wrong aren’t clear

The film not only offers thrilling mecha battles… But also the complexities of politics and morality during armed conflicts. The film explores universal themes of justice, sacrifice, and redemption

I bet this film will take your breath away. One of the best action anime movies on Netflix!

1. Mirai

Mirai- Best action anime movies on netflix
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I just needed to put this one in first place! Understand why:

Studio Chizu produces “Mirai”. The movie follows Kun, a four-year-old boy. He deals with jealousy and insecurity after the birth of his sister Mirai. He is transported to a magical garden where he meets future versions of his family. There, he learned important lessons about love and growing up.

In the magical garden, Kun meets older versions of his sister Mirai. As well as his parents at different times in their lives. These encounters not only help him to accept the new reality of having a younger sister. Also to appreciate the value of unconditional love and connection between family members. Kun’s journey is a model of how childhood experiences shape our understanding of the world. Plus how personal growth is a continuous route of discovery and learning.

This is one of the best fantasy-action anime movies to watch! Especially with your family. 

Final notes

We finally came to an end! Are you still with me? I hope so because I have one more thing to share with you. Here in Anime Fleek, you will find a lot more lists of recommendations! From kids-friendly anime movies to anime movies for couples. So, if you need any other recommendations list, I just know you can find the perfect one here! 

I hope I helped you find the best action anime movies on Netflix. Never a “goodbye”, always a “see you next time!”.


Best action anime shows and movies?

If you’re looking for the best action anime show: Attack on Titan is a popular and really great choice. You can watch it on Crunchyroll. 
Now, the best action anime movie must be Akira. You can watch it on Amazon Prime or Apple TV. 

Action-packed anime with a rich story and good animation?

For movies, I recommend you, once again, Akira. 
For the series, I’ll go with Demon Slayer. You can also watch this one on Crunchyroll. 

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